elf-cleaaiag -
fter cleaningis complete,the
WhenLOCKEDlightis off, slide the LA~H HANDLEto the Iefias far as it willgo andopenthe door.
step 2: TurnOVENSETknobto OFF.
TurnOVENTEMPknobto WW.
N~E: If youwishto startand stopcleaningat a latertimethan shownon clock,push in andturn DELAYEDSTARTdialto time youwishto start. Addthehours neededfor cleaningto this “start” time,then pushin and turn S~P did to this desiredstoptime. Oven willautomaticallyturn on and off at the set times.
Q.Whywon’tmyovenclean immediate~yeventhoughI set al!thetimeandcieanknobs correctly?
A.Checkto be sureyour DELAYEDSTARTdialis set to the sametimeas the rangeclock. Nso checkto be sureLA~H HANDLEis movedto theright.
Q.Mrnyovenclockis notworm, can I stillself+leanmyoven?
A.No. YourAutomaticOven Timerusesthe rangeclockto help startand
Q.CanI usecommercialoven cleanerson anypartof my se~f+laning oven?
A.No cleanersor coatingsshotid be usedaroundanypart of this oven.If youdo usethemanddo not wipethe ovenabsolutelyclean,the residuecan scarthe ovensurface and damagemetalpartsthe next timethe ovenis automaticdy cleaned.
Q.CanI c~eanthe WovenGasket aroundthe ovendoor?
A.No, his gasketis essentialfor a goodovenseal, andcare mustbe takennotto rub, damageor move thisgasket.
Q.Afterhavingjust usedthe oven~the LOC=D lightcme on andI eodd notmovethe LA~H ~mLEe Why?
A.Afier severalcontinuoushigh- temperaturebakingsor broilings, the LOCKEDlightmaycomeon. The ovendoor can’tbe latchedfor
Q.Whatshodd I do if excessive Smotingoccursduringcleaning?
A.Thisis causedby excessivesoil, md youshouldswitchthe OVEN SETknobto OFF.Openwindows to rid roomof smoke.Allowthe
ovento coolfor at least(Jnehour beforeopeningthe door. Wipeup the excesssoiland resetthe clean cycle.
Q.1sthe 66crackiing”soundI hearduringcleating normal?
A.Yes.Thisis the metalheating andcoolingduringboththe cookingandcleaningfinctions.
Q.Shouldtherebe anyodor duringthe cleatig?
A.Yes,theremaybe a slightodor duringthe fwstfewcleanings. Failureto wipeout excessivesoil mightalsocausean odor when cleaning.
Q.Whattames the
A.Thisis a normalcondition resultingfromheatingand cooling duringcleaning.Theydo not affect howyourovenperforms.
Q.Whydo I haveash left in my ovenaftercleaning?
A.Sometypesof soilwill leavea depositwhichis ash, It can be removedwitha dampspongeor cloth.
Q.My ovenshelvesdo not stide easily.Whatis the matter?
A.Afier manycleanings,oven shelvesmaybecomeso cleanthey do not slideeasily.If youwish shelvesto slidemore easily, dampenfingerswith a small amountof cookingoil and rub lightlyoversidesof shelfwhere theycontactshelfsupports.
Q.My ovenshelveshavebecome grayafterthe self~lean cycle.Is this normal?
A.Yes.Afier the
Q.CanI cookfoodon the cooktopwtile the ovenis self- cleaning?
A.Yes.Whilethe ovenis self-
cleaning,youcan use the cooktop just as younormallydo.