S?irfaaec@okiE%gwith InfiniteHeatcontrols
Yoursurfaceunitsand controls
are designedto giveyouallin~~nite
choiceof heatsettingsfor surface {~nitcooking.
Atboth OFF and HI positions, thereis a slightnicheso control “clicks”at thosepositions;“click” on HI marksthehighestsetting;the lowestsettingis betweenthewords WM and OFF.In a quietKtchen youmayhear slight“clicking” soundsduringcooking,indicating heatsettingsselectedare being maintained.
Switchingheatsto highersettings alwaysshowa quickerchangethan switchingto lowersettings.
How to set the Controk
Graspcontrolknoband pushin...
“$’~]rneitherclockwiseor counter- clockwiseto desiredheat setting.
control mustbe pushedintoset
Ody fromOFFpositionwhen.
control isinany positionother than OWF,itmaybe Fotited without pushing in.
Be sure youtum controlto OFF whenyoufinishcooking.An indicatorlightwillglowwhen ANYheaton anysurfaceunitis on.
Coos Gtide for Utig Heah
m Quickstartfor cooking; bringwaterto boil.
m~ Fastfry,pan broil;maintain m fastboilon largeamountof
mD Sauteandbrown;maintain slowboilon largeamount of food.
Lo Cookafter startingat HI; cookwithlittlewaterin coveredpan.
Steamrice, cereal;maintain servingtetiperatureof most foods.
1.At HI, MED HI, neverleave foodunattended.Boiloverscause smoking;greasyspilloversmay catchfire.
2.At WM, LO,meltchocolate, butteron smallunit.
How h use the
This surfaceunitoffersthe convenienceof threeunitsin one. The unitmaybe used as an
Matchunitsizeselectionto sizeof’ utensil.