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) $:31Bf{)odstliltlpreserves


OR E23ySlirfaceull$ts:~


.+. Yes. but onlyuse cookware






~-ecipesfor preservingfoods.Be


surecanneris flat-bottomedand




unit. Sincecanninggenerateslarge


amountsof steam,be caref~llto


avoidburnsfromsteamor heat.


Canningshouldonlybe doneon



Q. can I coverZnydrip pans with foil?

A.No. Cleanas recommendedin CleaningGuide.

Q. canI use specialCooking equipment9like an oriental Woky

on anysurfaceunM?

A.Cookwarewithoutflatsurfaces is notrecommended.Thelifeof yoursurfaceunitcan be shortened, andthe rangetopcan be damaged fromthehighheatneededfor this typeof cooking.

Q.“whyam I Rotgettingthe heat

Ineed from my units eventhough

Ihavethe knobson the right setting?

A.Afterturningsurfaceunitoff and makingsureit is cool, checkto makesurethatyourplug-inunits are securelyfastenedintothe surfaceconnection.

Q.winydoesmycookwaretilt whenI placeit on the surfaceunit?

A.Becausethe surfaceunitis notflat. Makesurethatthe “feet” on yourCairod@unitsare sitting tightlyin the rangetop indentation andthe reflectorringis fiaton the rangesurface.

Q.Whyisthe porcelainfinishon mycookwarecomingoff?

A.If yousetyourCalrod@unit higherthan requiredfor the cookwarematerial,and leaveit, the finishmaysmoke,crack,pop,or burndependingon thepot or pan. Also,a toohighheatfor long periods,and sma~lamountsof dry food,maydamagethe finish.



In surfacecookingof foodsother thancanning,theuse of large- diameterpots(extendingmorethan l-inchbeyondedgeof trim ring)is notrecommended.However,when canningwith water-bathor pressurecanner,large-diameter potsmaybe used. Thisis because boilingwatertemperatures(even underpressure)are not harmfulto cooktopsurfacessurrounding heatingunit.

HOWEVER,DO NOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OR OTHERLARGEDIANIETER POTSFOR FRYINGOR BOII.INGFOODSOTHER Ti~AP?JNATERMostsyrupor. saucemixtures—andall typesof frying-cook at temperaturesmuch higherthan boilingwater.Such

.‘-”--W,DeratU.reScouldeventually --,

-.-,.;;-~mcooktops~]rfacessurrounding j,c,,,i<._r..

f: c.Lli4>j.lnits.

observe FollowingPoin@


1. Bringwaterto boilon HIGH


heat, then afterboilinghasbegun,

glassjars for canning,suchas Ball

adjustheatto lowestsettingto

andKerr; andthe UnitedStates

maintainboil (savesenergyand

Departmentof Agriculture

bestuses surfaceunit.)


2.Be sure cannerfitsovercenter of surfaceunit. If yourrangedoes not allowcannerto be centeredon surfaceunit, use smaller-diameter potsfor goodcanningresults.

3.Flat-bottomedcannersgivebest canningresults.Be surebottomof canneris flat or slightindentation fits snuglyoversurfaceunit.

Cannerswith flangedor rippled bottoms(ofienfou~~din enamelware) are not recommended.




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Image 9
GE JSP27J, JB400GK, JB490GJ Canningmps, Observe FollowingPoin@, On anysurfaceunM?, Havethe knobson the right setting?