GE JVM131K, JVM130K warranty Wdll Be There

Models: JVM131K JVM130K

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Wdll Be There

With the purchase of your new GE appliance, receive the assurance that if you ever need information or assistance from GE, wdll b; there. All you have to do is call–toll-free!

GEAnswer Center@


~l:i(~V~I” yoL1l- (lLleStio Il 21bo Ll( 2111)’ (;:

major iipplii~nce, (;E Answer (lcntei”” infi)rnl~t[ion sellicc is ;iv~iiliible t.() help. Y(){lr c~d-~lnd your qLlestion- will be ~mswered promptly ~md

In-Home Repair


80MEXARES (80M32-2737)

i~ (; Econsurner sel~iceprof’essiO1l:il” will provide expert rep~iir service, scheduled ~~( ;i time th;l(’s convenient for yoLI. Many (;k~ (;onsunlel° Service c:onlp:iny-()[~el-~~ted localions ofl’el- you service today or tomorrow, or iit yollr{:orlvenience” (7:()() a.m. 10 7:()() p.m. weekdays, {):00 a.m. to 2:()() p.m. S:{tur- days). Our factory-trained technicians know your appliance inside and out- s() most rep;iirs c;in be h:mdlecl in just one visit.

Service Contracts


YOLI can have the secure fkeling th:~( (;E (;onsunler Service will still be there afier your warriinty expires. Pur- chase a (1E contract while your war- ranl.y is still in efl.ect and you’ll receive Ll substantial cliscount. With:1 rnultiple- year contract, you’re assured of’filture selTice at today’s prices.

cOLII-I.eoLISly.”And you c:m call any

time. (Jk; Answer (;enter’” sc~vice is open 24 }](}L1]-S ii d:iy, 7 d;iys ii week.

Telecommunication Detice for tie Deaf

Parts andAccessories


IndividuA qudfied to service their ow appliances can have needed

parts or accessories sent directly to

their home. The (;E pzirts system pro-

vides :{ccess to over 47,000 parts... anct all (JE (;ertuine Renewal P~~rts :ire fLllly warmnted. VISA, Master(lard and Discover cards ~~re accepted.

User maintenance instructions contained in this booHet cover proce- dures intended to be performed by any user. Other servicing gener~y shodd be referred to qudfied ser- vice personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.






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kr Customers With

Special Needs...

Upon request., (1E will provide Ilraille c(mt.rols for a variety of’(lk; appliances imd 21 brochure [() assist in pl:mning it barrier-fi-ee kitchen fi)r persons with limited mobility. ‘I’() obLiin lhese items free of’charge, c:L1l 800.626.2000.

(;(~nsumers wi[h impaired hearing or speech who have access (() a TI)I) or ii c{)nventional teletypewriter may call 800-TDD-(~~C (800-833-4822) to request information or service.

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GE JVM131K, JVM130K warranty Wdll Be There