Pinaappte Ca$serole is a tangy dessert or meat accompaniment, In 12 x 8 x
BakedApplesautomatic cook well using Auto Cook Code 2, Match number of apples to size of micro-
Stewed Fruit and Fruit Compotes should bestirred well beforemicro- waving,especiallyif sugaris added. Cover; use Auto Cook Code 2 and stir once or twice after oven sig- nals and time appears on readout. Touch “Start”and finish cooking.
to | & |
After preparing the ingredients for the individual recipe as shown below tho picture, follow these steps | |
for cooking, |
Step 1:Cover with plastic wrap and use Auto Cook | Step3:When cooking is finished, turn out (upside |
Code 3, | down) the Nut Cake and Cornbread. Invert Caramel |
Step 2: When oven signals and time remaining | Biscuit Ring and let dish stand over ring a few |
appearson readout,removecoveringartd?atatedish | minutes before serving, |
%turn, |
Gretlw3boitonl arwf
aidesoffluted cake mmtairmrandsprinkle bottomtwen- ly with 1/3 cup chopped nuts or coconut, Carefully pour batter from one box {24ayarsize)cakemix over nuts, cover with plastia wrap. See Stepsabovefor Autcmwi!i~Choking,
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