p. 17
7. Scaling upFor quick scale-up of pur ifications ( back pressure will i ncrease), two o r three
HiTrap ion exchange column s of the same type can be co nnected in seri es.
For further scale- up SP Sepharose High P erformance and Q S epharose High
Performance are avai lable in prepacked H iLoad™ columns or b ulk media
packs. See Ordering Information.
8. StorageHiTrap SP HP: Rinse with water and then was h with 5 column volum es of
20% ethanol, 0.2 M sodiu m acetate.
HiTrap Q HP: Rinse with water and then wit h 5 column volumes of 20 %
Seal the column with th e supplied stopp ers. The recomme nded storage
temperature is +4 to +30 °C.
9. Ordering InformationProduct No. Supplied Code No.
HiTrap SP HP 5 x 1 ml 17-1151-01
HiTrap SP HP 5 x 5 ml 17-1152-01
HiTrap Q HP 5 x 1 ml 17-1153-01
HiTrap Q HP 5 x 5 ml 17-1154-01