p. 4 Table 1. HiTrap SP HP and HiTrap Q HP column s characteris tics
Column volumes 1 ml or 5 ml
Column dimensions 0.7 × 2.5 cm (1 ml) and 1 .6 × 2.5 cm (5 ml)
Total ionic capacity 0.14–0. 20 mmol (Cl–)/ml medium (Q)
0.15–0.20 mmol (H+)/ml medium (SP)
Dynamic binding capa city SP: approx. 55 mg ribonuclease/ml me dium
(0.1 M sodium acetate, pH 6. 0 at 1 ml/min)
Q: approx. 50 mg HSA/ml m edium (20 mM Tris-HCl ,
pH 8.2 at 1 ml/min)
Mean particle size 34 μm
Bead structure 6% highly cross-linked s pherical agar ose
Maximum flow rates HiTrap 1 ml: 4 ml/min, HiTrap 5 ml: 20 ml/min
Recommended flow ra tes HiTrap 1 ml: 1 ml/min, Hi Trap 5 ml: 5 ml/min
Maximum backpressu re 0.3 MPa, 3 bar, 42 psi
Chemical stability All commonly used buffers
Charged group SP: – CH2CH2CH2SO3
Q: – CH2N+(CH3)3
pH stability*
Short te rm SP: 3–14, Q: 1–14
Working SP: 4–13, Q: 2–12
Long term SP: 4–13, Q: 2–12
Storage temperature +4° to +30 °C
Storage buffer SP: 20% ethanol, 0.2 M sodium acetate
Q: 20% ethanol
Avoid SP: Oxidizing agent s, cationic det ergents and
Q: Oxidizing agent s, anionic deter gents and
* The rang es given are est imates based o n our knowled ge and experie nce.
Please note the follo wing:
pH stability, long term refers to the pH interval whe re the medium is s table over
a long period of time wi thout advers e eff ects on its subsequent chromatographic
pH stability, short term refers to the pH interval for regeneration, cleaning-in-place and
sanitization procedures.