p. 9
Fig 3. Recommended buffer substances for anion exchange chromatography.
The columns can be operat ed with a syringe, p eristaltic pum p or a
chromatography system.
3. OperationBuff er preparation
Water and chemicals used f or buffer prepar ation should be of hi gh purity. It
is recommended to fil ter the buffers b y passing them thr ough a
0.22 μm filter immedia tely before use. See Tabl es 2 and 3, Figs 2 and 3 for
recommended buffers.
Sample preparation
The sample should be ad justed to the compo sition of the star t buffer.
This can be done by eithe r diluting the sam ple with start b uffer or by
buffer exchange using HiTrap Desalting, HiPrep™ 26/10 Desalting or PD-10
column. The sample sho uld be filtered t hrough a 0.22 μm or 0.45 μm fil ter or
centrifuged immed iately before it is ap plied to the column . See Table 4.