Your system must be grounded. Read Warnings, page 6. For intrinsic safety, ground wires for the EasyKey, Fluid Station, and Gun Flush Box must all be connected to the same true earth ground. See FIG. 14, page 28.
Ground the ProControl system as instructed here and in the individual component manuals. A ground wire and clamp, part no. 223547, is available from Graco.
NOTE: To prevent electrical noise interference from high voltage equipment, do not connect the robot ground to the same ground point used by these ProControl com- ponents.
NOTE: Different ground points (unequal potential) may cause current to flow through component cables, caus- ing incorrect signals.
Connect a ground wire from the EasyKey ground screw to a true earth ground. FIG. 14.
Gun Flush Box (Manual or
Connect a ground wire from the Gun Flush Box ground lug to a true earth ground. FIG. 14.
Wall Mount Fluid Station
Connect a ground wire from the Wall Mount Fluid Sta- tion ground screw to a true earth ground. FIG. 14.
Color Change Module
Connect a ground wire from the Color Change Module ground screw to a true earth ground. A ground wire and clamp, part no. 223547, is available from Graco. FIG. 14.
Flow Meters
Connect the meter cables as shown in the System Electrical Schematic Hazardous Area on page 31. Failure to properly connect the shield may cause incor- rect signals.
Feed Pumps or Pressure Pots
Connect a ground wire and clamp from a true earth ground to the pumps or pots. See pump or pressure pot manual.
Air and Fluid Hoses
Use grounded hoses only.
Spray Gun
Follow the grounding instructions in your gun manual.
Fluid Supply Container
Follow local code.
Object Being Sprayed
Follow local code.
All Solvent Pails Used When Purging
Follow local code. Use only conductive metal pails/con- tainers placed on a grounded surface. Do not place the pail/container on a nonconductive surface, such as paper or cardboard, which interrupts the grounding con- tinuity.
Check Resistance
To ensure proper grounding, resistance between Pro- Mix components and true earth ground must be less than 1 ohm. Read Warnings, page 6.
Have a qualified electrician check resistance between each ProControl component and true earth ground. If resistance is greater than 1 ohm, a different ground site may be required. Do not operate the system until the problem is corrected.
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