Extension Wings
The Model G1022SM is supplied with sheet metal extension wings, and the Models G1022Z, ZF, ZFX and PRO include cast iron extension wings. Installation and adjustment are the same for all the models. To install the extension wings:
1.Attach each wing to the table using the M10 - 1.50 x 25 hex bolts and 10MM flat washers provided. Thread the center bolt in first, then the front and back bolts. Get the wings rea- sonably flush with the table. Do not com- pletely tighten the bolts.
2.Working front to back, align the front edge of the extension wing with the edge of the table, so they are flush, and tighten the front bolt.
3.Raise or lower the rear of the extension wing until the middle of the wing is flush with the table top and tighten the middle bolt as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21. Checking table to wing alignment.
4.Raise or lower the rear of the wing until the wing and table are flush. Tighten the bolt.
5.Repeat Steps 2-4 for the other extension wing.
6.Now, check the alignment of the table vs. both wings. Your straightedge should run flat across both wings and the table top. If the straightedge contacts both the wings and the table evenly, you may skip to the next sec- tion. If it does not, continue to Step 7.
7.If the wings tilt down, apply layers of mask- ing tape under each bolt near the bottom edge of the wing.
8.If the wing tilts up, apply layers of masking tape above each bolt near the top edge of the wing.
9.Tighten bolts and adjust again as described in Steps 2-4.
Fence Rails
G1022SM and G1022Z
The Model G1022SM and Z are supplied with round rails, the Model G1022ZF and ZFX are supplied with flat angular bar sections and the Model G1022PRO is supplied with square tube rails. This accommodates the standard fence for the SM and Z models, the Shop Fox¨ fence for the ZF and ZFX models and the Shop Fox¨ Classic fence for the PRO model. Please refer to the Shop Fox¨ manuals for complete information regarding the installation of the front and back fence rails on the ZX, ZXF and PRO models.
The rails should extend to the right of the saw and are attached to the table top with special bolts and dished spacers. The rails come packed in a separate box. To mount the rails:
1.The two center bolts for each rail thread directly into the table top, and the outer two bolts secure from the back side of the exten- sion wing with hex nuts as shown in Figure 22. Be sure that the rail with the
2.Insert the round, plastic plugs into the ends of each rail.
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