6.Open the nose cover as if to clear a jammed nail/staple.
7.Watch the discharge area and push the top of the piston with your finger. You will see the piston shaft slide down the discharge area.
8.With a long flathead screwdriver or similarly shaped tool, push the piston shaft back inside the nailer/stapler until you can grip the piston head and remove it from the cylinder. (Be care- ful not to scratch the discharge area when pushing the piston shaft with the screwdriver.)
9.Place a new
10.Insert the new piston in the cylinder. Make sure that the grooves on the pis- ton shaft line up with those on the guide at the bottom of the cylinder. The new piston should easily slide into the cyl- inder. DO NOT force the piston into the cylinder! If the piston is not easily inserted,
11.After the piston is inserted correctly, close the magazine pusher. Replace the rear cap assembly and tighten the 4 cap screws.
12.For more assistance, or to install a complete
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