Model H8115/H8117 Spray Gun -15-


Proper cleaning is the best way to ensure
trouble free performance from your spray
gun. If your gun is not thoroughly cleaned,
damage and poor spraying will result.
Problems caused by improper cleaning will
not be covered by the warranty. Clean the
spray gun immediately after each use.
To clean your spray gun:
1. Spray a small amount of solvent
through the spray gun.
Note: Check with local laws regarding
this practice. If you are spraying on a
regular basis, spraying solvents into
the air may be illegal. A cabinet style
spray gun cleaner may be required.
2. Disconnect th e gun f rom the air
3. Unscrew the cup.
4. Disassemble the gun by unscrewing
the fluid control knob and removing the
spring and needle.
5. Unscrew the atomizing cap with your
fingers and the fluid tip wit h the ser-
vice wre nch. The fully disassembled
gun should look like Figu re 16.
6. Rinse th ese parts thoroughly in sol-
vent then dry wit h compresse d air or
let air dry.
Note: If the small holes in the atomiz-
ing cap become blocked, soak in clean
solvent. If th e blockage still exists,
clear the blockage with a small needle,
taking great care to not enlarge or
damage the hole. Da mage to the hol e
will create a disrupted spray p attern.
7. Use the cleaning brush wi th solvent to
clean the inner orifice and oth er hard
to reach areas on the outsi de of the
spray gun body.
8. Wipe the rest of the gun body with a
shop towel and dry.
DO NOT soak the spray gun body in
solvent. Prolonged exposure to sol-
vent will rapidly deteriorate the spray
gun washers and seals. Ignoring this
notice will void your warranty.
Figure 16. Typical disassembly for clean-
Fluid Tip
Spring & Needle
Solvents like Tricloroethan e and
Methylene Chloride (methyl chlo -
ride) can chemically react with alu-
minum and may explode. Many parts
in spray guns are made of aluminum.
Read sol vent la bel c arefully before
using solvent.