Moisture/Matic/Manager DRI-U-CALC 1153-PNEG


1.Connect wires to bottom section of terminal strip located in the upper control box.

2.When Moisture/Matic is powered, the GSI Moisture controls and speed pots will have no effect on grain output.

3.Unload monitor must have 110 VAC at terminal 6 for printer to print. If this is not required jumper may be 4 placed between 5 and 6 of the unload monitor terminal strip.

4.The MCR relay output will have 110 VAC output when the control power is in control mode. This will supply the signal to MCR relay. When in monitor mode, this signal is not present.

Box Control Moisture/Matic a Up Hooking Dryer Portable GSI FFI newer or DMC a to