Section 2 – Operation
QUIETPACT™ 75D Recreational Vehicle Generator
Before starting the engine, have the engine crankcase properly serviced with the recommended oil. Refer to Section 1.5.3 and Sections 3.1 and 3.2 for oil servic- ing procedures and recommendations.
Any attempt to crank or start the engine before
!it has been properly serviced it with the recom- mended oil may result in an engine failure.
The engine must have an adequate supply of proper fuel to operate. Before starting it, check that sufficient fuel is available.
Depending on the installation, the generator may have either a separate fuel tank or “share” the vehicle’s engine fuel tank.
Some installations using a “shared” fuel tank may have a generator fuel pickup tube that is shorter than the vehicle’s engine pickup tube. Such an arrangement causes the generator engine to “run out of fuel”, while adequate fuel for the vehicle engine remains in the tank.
The generator engine releases DEADLY carbon
!monoxide gas through its exhaust system. This dangerous gas, if breathed in sufficient concen- trations, can cause unconsciousness or even death. Never operate the generator set with the vehicle inside any garage or other enclosed area. DO NOT OPERATE THE GENERATOR IF THE EXHAUST SYSTEM IS LEAKING OR HAS BEEN DAMAGED. SYMPTOMS OF CARBON MONOX- IDE POISONING ARE (a) inability to think coher- ently, (b) nausea, (c) vomiting, (d) twitching muscles, (e) throbbing temples, (f) dizziness, (g) headaches, (h) weakness, and (i) sleepiness. IF EXPERIENCING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS, MOVE INTO FRESH AIR IMMEDIATELY. IF SYMP- TOMS PERSIST, GET MEDICAL HELP. Shut down the generator and do not operate it until it has been inspected and repaired.
Never sleep in the vehicle while the genset is
!running unless the vehicle has a working carbon monoxide detector. The exhaust system must be installed in accordance with the genset installa- tion manual. Make sure there is ample fresh air when operating the genset in a confined area.
Check the engine coolant level prior to initial use and at recommended intervals. Refer to Section 1.5.4, “Coolant”, and Section 3.8, “Engine Coolant”, for pro- cedures and recommendations.
Air inlet and outlet openings in the generator com- partment must be open and unobstructed for con- tinued proper operation. Without sufficient cooling and ventilating airflow, the engine/generator may overheat, causing engine shutdown and damage to the generator.
Before starting the generator engine, be sure there is no way for exhaust gases to enter the vehicle interior and endanger people or animals. Close windows, doors, and other openings in the vehicle that, if open, might permit exhaust gases to enter the vehicle.
8 Generac® Power Systems, Inc.
Read the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions. The owner/operator should become familiar with the vehicle in which this generator is installed. Differences exist between vehicles. For example, some vehicles may use a transfer switch to isolate dockside power from the generator, while other vehicles may use an isolating receptacle. Some vehicles may be equipped with a DC converter, which allows the generator to power certain DC lighting and other DC loads.
To start the generator from either the generator con- trol panel or from the optional remote panel, proceed as follows:
1.Turn OFF electrical loads using the means pro- vided in the vehicle (such as, a
If starting from the generator control panel, turn OFF loads by setting the generator’s