Haier RBFS21 Functions, 9 7KHLQGLFDWHGPHDQLQJRIWKHZDWHU¿OWHU,  Fhswlrqv,Qglfdwlqj

Models: RBFS21 PBFS21

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(Only apply for the models with the function of taking out cold drinks)


(Only apply for the models without the function of taking out cold drinks)




10 The function of showing and controlling

30 seconds after Operating the refrigerator by pressing the button, the vision screen is out automatically, and if you press any button or open any door or take out the cold drink, the vision screen will be shown to be on.



RQWKHYLVLRQDUHDVRIWKHFKLOOFROGVWRUDJHRUUHIULJHUDQWWHPSHUDWXUHDQGWKHH[FHSWLRQVVLJQVDUH)) F3, F5, F6, Ed, ER, E0, EI, E2.If this case really happens, please consult the sold-repairing department to have the refrigerator repaired, in order to test the optimizing controlling of the refrigerator.

(12) Door-opening alarm

When any door body is opened for over 60 seconds, the door-opening alarming function of the refrigerator will be started, and the refrigerator will produce buzzers at the intervals of 30 seconds, which shows to the user that there is a door body is open.

(13) Over-voltage protection

The power of the refrigerator has the function of over-voltage protection. When the function of over-voltage is carried out, the refrigerator will be off automatically, and 5 minutes after the power of the refrigerator is cut off, the refrigerator should be turned on again and then the refrigerator will operate normally.

(14) Power-breaking memorizing function

When the refrigerator is cut off, the state of the refrigerator before the power-breaking is memorized, and then the refrigerator will be operating with the default values before power-breaking.


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Haier RBFS21, PBFS21 warranty Functions, 9 7KHLQGLFDWHGPHDQLQJRIWKHZDWHU¿OWHU, The function of showing and controlling