6 - 4 3800/3900 User’s Guide
Automatic Trigg er:
The scanner scans continuously at full power.
Manual Trigger, Low Power:
The scanner “sleeps,” using only 30 milliamps,
until the trigger is pulled. When the trigger is pulled, the scanner wakes up and
operates at normal power until there is no triggering for the time set with the Low
Power Time Out bar code. Then, the scanner goes to “sleep” again.
Low Power Time Out:
Scan the Low Power Time Out bar code to change the
time out duration. Then scan the time out duration (from 0-300 seconds) from
the inside back cover and Save. Default = 2 minutes.
Note: If you make an error while scanning the digits (before scanning Save),
scan Discard on the back cover, scan the Low Power Time Out bar code,
scan the correct digits, and Save again.
Note: The Secondary Manual Trigger, Lower Power option is not available on
the 3800XX-11 and 3800XX-11E in Secondary Non-Decoded Out Laser
Emulation Mode.
Automatic Trigger
Manual Trigger, Low Power
Low Power Time Out