SKU 67139 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 21
This menu also has the sub-menu:
“Motion Detector Setup”, for setting
motion detection options.
sensOr recOrd time
In the Sensor Setup sub-menu, press 1.
the up or down arrow keys [ , ] to
select “Sensor Record Time”.
Press [SEL] to increase, or STOP 2.
to decrease, the number of seconds
to record once the sensor is activat-
ed. The recording time can be set to
5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 seconds.
alarm On time
In the Sensor Setup sub-menu, press 1.
the up or down arrow keys [ , ] to
select “Alarm on Time”.
Press [SEL] to switch between the 2.
following options:
CONT - The alarm will sound once a.
the motion sensor is activated and
will continue until any key is pressed
on the DVR or remote.
OFF - No alarm will sound.b.
# - The alarm will sound for the num-c.
ber of seconds indicated. The alarm
can be set to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30
seconds. Press [SEL] to increase, or
[STOP] to decrease the number.
mOtiOn detectOr setup
motion detector setup
CH1 ON Level 2 Area
CH2 ON Level 2 Area
CH3 ON Level 2 Area
CH4 ON Level 2 Area
This sub-menu allows you to set the
motion detection options for each
In the Sensor Setup sub-menu, press 1.
the up or down arrow keys [ , ] to
select “Motion Detector Setup”.
Press [SEL] to enter the Motion De-2.
tector Setup sub-menu.
Press the arrow keys [3. , , and
] to move between the channels
and the options for each. Press [SEL]
button to change the settings for each
option. The options and settings are:
On/Off - Use the [SEL] button to a.
toggle between enabling (On) or dis-
abling (Off) motion detection record-
ing for each channel.
Level - Use the [SEL] button to set b.
the sensitivity level from 1 (lowest) to
3 (highest).
Area - Use the [SEL] button to enter c.
this sub-menu.