For maximum hum rejection with a balanced source, avoid common grounding at the 160A's input and output. Most bal- anced
Technical Support/Factory Service
The 160A is an
Our phone number, fax number and address are listed on the back cover. When you contact dbx Technical Support, be pre- pared to accurately describe the problem. Know the serial number of your unit
Note: Please refer to the terms of your Limited
Shipping Instructions: Use the original packing material if it is available. Mark the package with the name of the shipper,
and with the following words in quotes in red: “DELICATE INSTRUMENT, FRAGILE!” Insure the package properly. Ship prepaid, not collect. Do not ship parcel post. (If you do not plan to save the packaging material, please recycle it.)
Registration Card and User Feedback
We appreciate your feedback. After you have an opportunity to use your new 160A, please complete the Registration Card (inserted this manual), and return it.
1.The warranty registration card that accompanies this product must be mailed within 30 days after purchase date to vali- date this warranty.
2.dbx warrants this product, when bought and used solely within the U.S., to be free from defects in materials and work- manship under normal use and service.
3.dbx liability under this warranty is limited to repairing or, at our discretion, replacing defective materials that show evi- dence of defect, provided the product is returned to dbx WITH RETURN AUTHORIZATION from the factory, where all parts and labor will be covered up to a period of two years. A Return Authorization number must be obtained from dbx by telephone. The company shall not be liable for any consequential damage as a result of the product's use in any circuit or assembly..
4.dbx reserves the right to make changes in design or make additions to or improvements upon this product without incur- ring any obligation to install the same additions or improvements on products previously manufactured.
5.The foregoing is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and dbx neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume on its behalf any obligation or liability in connection with the sale of this product. In no event shall dbx or its dealers be liable for special or consequential damages or from any delay in the performance of this warranty due to causes beyond their control..