The object of the game is t o accumulate as much collective
Zone Time as possible for the whole team.
These two games are played in t he same way as the Individual
game of Own the Zone except t hat the players are divided into
A good team strategy, once a zone is controlled, is to have
one player designated as the “Zone Keeper”. This player tries
to stay in the zone at all times collecting as much Zone
time as possible. The team should also position one or two
“defenders” inside the zone and be ready to defend it against
incoming hostile players. Finally, two or three “guards” could
stay outside the Zone, preventing hostile players from getting
close enough to attack the Zone and their teammates inside
the Zone. These guards should also att empt to control a safe
area so that teammates that are tagged and neutralized (and
that must leave the Zone) will have a safe place to go while de-
neutralizing. When the Zone Keeper or a defender gets tagged,
a guard will need to move int o the zone to take his place while
the tagged player waits to be un-neutralized. Fluidity, teamwork
and coordination are the winning str ategies in these games
as players on a team move in and out of the Zone, protecting
the Zone, protecting each other and tagging all opponents who
attempt to overtake the Zone.
Game features are:
• Fully hosted, (requires hosting/joining) and supports post-game
• 2 or 3 Teams. Up to 8 players on each team
• Team Tags – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default = N)
• Time – 1 - 99 minutes, (default = 15 min for 2TOZ, and 20 min
for 3TOZ)
• Reloads – 0 - 99 or Unlimited (default = 15)
• Mega-Tags – 0 - 99 or Unlimited, (default = 0)
• Shields – 0 - 99 seconds (default = 45)
• Tags – 1 - 99 (default = 10)
• Score ranking is Individual and Team
- Individual Ranking is based on the total Zone time each individual player
- Team Ranking is based on the total Zone time of all players on a team
as a group.
It is recommended that the Team Tags option be lef t to “N”
(No) for team Zone games, as any “ricochets” or reflections
inside the Zone (especially when playing indoor s) may cause
you to accidentally tag ever yone on your entire team with a
single badly aimed tag forcing them all to leave the Zone. On
the other hand, having Team Tags set to “Y” (Yes) makes for a
very challenging game!