– this rewards the team with the more aggressive players that land more
tags. Just hiding or trying to not get tagged may cost your team valuable
points that could affect your team’s ranking.
The object of this game is f or the TAG MASTER to battle against
up to 8 of his most feared opponents! The TAG MASTER is alone
on Team 1 while his opponents join forces on Team 2 and go for
the hits! [TAG06]
The Host is the TAG MASTER and gets as many tags-until-out
and reloads as the entire opposing team gets. For example, if
there are 8 players opposing t he TAG MASTER, then the TAG
MASTER gets as many tags-until-out and tags to launch at his
opponents as all 8 of them put together.
Game features are:
• Fully hosted, (requires hosting/joining) and supports post-game
• 1 team of up to 8 players ver sus: TAG MASTER who stands
• Team Tags (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =Y)
• Medic Mode (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =N)
• Time – 1-99 minutes, (default = 10 min)
• Reloads – 1-10 reloads per opponent (default = 1)
• Mega-Tags – 0-99 or unlimited (default = 0)
• Shields – 0-99 seconds (default = 30)
It is important that you work with your teammates in order to
achieve a high team ranking. Do t his by helping to protect any
of your teammates who are in danger of being tagged out, and
working with your teammates to t ag the opposing players out
as quickly as possible.
Game features are:
• Fully hosted, (requires hosting/joining) and supports post-game
• 2 or 3 teams of up to 8 player s per team
• Team Tags (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =Y)
• Medic Mode (selectable) – Yes (Y) or No (N) (default =Y)
• Time – 1-99 minutes, (default = 15 min)
• Reloads – 0-99 or Unlimited (default = Unlimited)
• Mega-Tags – 0-99 or Unlimited (default = 10)
• Shields – 0-99 seconds (default = 15)
• Tags – 1-99 (default = 20)
• Ranking is individual and team
- Individual ranks are based on receiving 2 points per tag landed on players
from other teams, and losing 1 point for every time you’re tagged by a player
from another team. Tagging your own teammate (Team Tags) costs you 2
points. Being tagged by your own teammates does not hurt your score.
- Team ranks are based on which team has the most players not tagged out
when the game ends (this gives an advantage to larger teams, so less-skilled
players can be grouped together on a larger team to even things out). In t he
event of a tie, the TAG MASTER will attempt t o break the tie based on the
individual scores of the players on each team who did not get tagged out