require you to take st eps to ensure it can happen without
interference from other nearby TAGGER units.
The primary TAGGER will display “UNDL” and the Dual TAGGER
will display “WAIT.” Step away from all other TAGGER units, turn
your back to them, and hold both IRT-2X TAGGER units side-by-
side in front of you. Aft er a few seconds, the Dual TAGGER will
go to Sleep and the primar y TAGGER will display “FIND HOST”. At
this point, continue to follow t he debrief process as usual.
NOTE: If any player enters t he game in Dual TAGGER Mode, but
does not un-DUAL properly within 30 seconds after the end of
a game, he/she will be treated as though they abandoned the
game. In this case, the player will not receive a personal score
and their “abandoning” of the game may count against their
team – so be sure that you un-DUAL properly at the end
of each game!
If the Host used the Dual TAGGER Mode themselves, the Host
must first un-DUAL themselves and then debrief all the
other players.
If the game is to be ended early by the Host pressing 2nd F
+ OK, the TAG MASTER TAGGER must f irst un-DUAL if needed.
Once this is done, all other players need to come within the
vicinity of the TAG MASTER TAGGER one at a time and receive
the command to end their games early. Once each player’s
Once the game has ended, the data from your two IRT-2X
TAGGER units must be combined before repor ting back to the
Host. This process, called “un-DUALing” is aut omatic but may
and shields as any other player in the game. But be careful – a
well-placed tag from one of your opponents just might hit BOTH
of your TAGGER units, counting as TWO hits ag ainst you!
NOTE: If your secondary TAGGER becomes confused during
programming and every attempt t o synchronize fails, or if you
change your mind and never attempt to program it with the
primary TAGGER ID, the LCD screen on the secondary TAGGER
will display “NO GAME” and will go to Sleep. However, the
primary TAGGER will be able to play in the game and will have a
full set of capabilities for the game, just as if you had not been
using Dual TAGGER Mode.
NOTE: You cannot use Dual TAGGER Mode in an LTAG game, if
you are a KING in a 2KNG or 3KNG game (hosted on a Deluxe
TAGGER) or if you are the TAG MASTER in a TAGM game. This
is to prevent cheating by hiding one or the other of the two
TAGGER units so that you could never be tagged-out, which is
the basis of the scoring for these types of games.