DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 10
What is Non-Initializing TerminalMode?
(North America only)
Non-Initializing Terminal mode is a new ISD N NI-1 protocol feature
which enables the DIVA T/A to operate without SPIDs. This leaves
the SPIDs available for use by other ISDN devices connected over the
same NT1.
To configure the DIVA T/A for Non- Initializing Terminal mode,
deselect the SPID checkbox in the Windows Configuration Tool, or
specify Yes for the Non-Initializing pa rameter in the VT-100
Configuration Tool.
Warning: (NI-1 switches only) While in Non-Initializing Terminal
mode, the DIVA T/A will only allow outgoing calls to be m ade, and
most line interfaces will allow some form of restricted operation ( for
example: access to operator and emergency services). All incoming
calls will be rejected. No AutoSPID information will be stored in non-
volatile memory; however, the auto-detection status remains
Note: Check with your ISDN service provider to determine if they
support Non-Initializing terminal mode.