DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 14
AT Commands
This section contains a description of all AT Commands relevant to

Locating Commands

To make it easier for you to locate a command, this guide has
organized commands in two ways.
AT Commands are grouped into several categories. Use the section
AT Command Groups on page 15 to locate the relevant category.
An alphabetical list of commands is also available. It is found in the
section Alphabetical List of Supported AT Commands on page16

AT Command Format

When using AT commands, you must follow these conventions:
A command line consists of a prefix, body, and terminator. Each
command line must begin with “AT” (except A/ and ??).
AT commands must be terminated by a carriage return (except
Commands entered in upper or lower case are accepted.
The body is a string of commands restricted to printable ASCII
characters (032 - 126).
Space (ASCII 032) and control characters other than CR (ASCII
013) and BS (ASCII 010) in the command string are ignored.
A command line may be aborted at any time by entering
< ctrl-x > (ASCII 024).
Carriage returns are programmable through register S3.
The default terminator is the ASCII <CR> character. Characters
that precede the AT prefix are ignored.