DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 15
Command Format--Continued
The DIVA T/A recognizes the backspace character for editing.
When echo is enabled, a backspace or delete is echoed as a
backspace character followed by a space character, and another
backspace. The code used for the backspace character is
programmable through register S5. Values equal to 0 or greater
than 32, or the carriage return character value, cannot be used for
the backspace character.
The AT sequence may be followed by any command sequence, except
for the following: ATZ, ATD, AT A, AT@MENU, AT>H,
AT>VC, AT>VD, AT>VT, and AT>Z . Commands following
these (on the same command line) are ignored.
Execution of commands ATD and ATA, either as a result of a
direct command or a re-execute command, will be aborted if
another character is entered before completion of the handshake.
The maximum number of characters on any command line is 80
(including “A” and “T”).
If a syntax error is found in a command, the remainder of the line
will be ignored and an ERROR code will be returned.
Missing decimal parameters (n) are assumed as 0.
Most commands entered with parameters out of range will not be
accepted and the ERROR response will be returned to the DTE.
The next command will only be accepted by the DIVA T/A once
the previous command has been fully executed.
AT Command Groups

Group See page

General AT Commands 25
ISDN Configuration Commands 29
COM Port Configuration Commands 34
Call Control Commands 39
V120 Configuration Commands 42
V.110 Configuration Commands 45
Profile Commands 45
Multilink PPP Commands 48
Utility Commands 51
Mini-monitor Commands 53