DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 16
Alphabetical List of Supported ATCommands
The following table summarizes the AT Commands supported by the
DIVA T/A. Go to the specified page number for more information.
Note: Static parameters are preceded by an asterisk “*”. Changes
made to static parameters do not take effect until you restart your
system (use the AT&Wn command to restart your system). Changes to
all other parameters (dynamic parameters) take effect immediately.
AT Command Description See Page
ATA Answer Calls 40
ATDn Dial a Number 40
ATEn Local Echo 35
ATH Hangup a Call 41
ATIn View Product Information 25
ATO Return Online 25
ATQn Quiet Result Codes 36
ATSn Establishes S-Registers n as the
selected register 25
ATSn=v S-Register n to Value v37
ATS0=n Rings to Auto-Answer 41
ATS1? View Ring Count 41