Problem | Cause | Remedy | |
| |
A. Spark Ignition | No power to spark module - module | Check electrical supply to spark module with voltmeter - | |
1. | No sparks when any con- | switch faulty. | replace module. |
| ||
trol | knob is turned to “light”. |
| |
2. No sparks when one or | Reignition electrode controlled by | Check high voltage wires carefully for loose connections | |
some control knob(s) is (are) | knob switch is grounded or has a | or pinches in the wires; if connections are tight, replace | |
turned to “light”. | high resistance leak. | high voltage wire. | |
| Electode to far from burner base. | The igniter is on an eccentric pin, so rotating the igniter |
| in its place will bring the igniter closer to the burner base. |
| |
3. Sparking occurs at elec- | Disconnected switch lead or short in | Check all switch lead connections for looseness and | |
trodes when all control knobs | switch lead. | wires for damage. | |
are turned off. |
| |
| |
4. All burners that are turned | High resistance or open connection | Push receptacles firmly onto all terminals | |
on have lighted but electrodes | between spark output terminal and | Check positioning of shrink sleeving on receptacle - | |
are still sparking. | H.V. wire receptacle. (spark will jump | should be flush with end of receptacle - trim if necessary. | |
| small gap but sensing current will |
| not.) |
| Defective module. | Replace module. |
| Ground/Earth lead to module discon- | Check ground/earth connection of range chassis and |
| nected or range chassis not properly | ground/earth lead connection to module. |
| connected to ground/earth lead or |
| through thrid prong of power cord |
| plug, combined with reversed power |
| supply polarity. |
| |
5. One or more burners have | Pots or cooking utensils (i.e. griddle | Use smaller sized pots or reduce size of flame. Do not | |
lighted but electrodes are still | plates) are too large and are smoth- | use griddle plate directly over top of grates. Aga- | |
sparking. | ering the flame causing the reignition | Heartland sells a griddle kit #7609 complete with griddle | |
| to spark. | support. |
| |
B. Oven Burner | Defective safety thermocouple. | Replace thermostat above - always check gas pressure | |
1. | No main burner flame. |
| before replacing thrmostat. |
| ||
| Defective thermostat (unit under | Make sure thermocouple is hand tightened +1/4 turn. |
| oven control knob), no main burner | Replace safety thermocouple - NOTE: There are no field |
| flame at any setting. | adjustments for this control. |
| |
2. Oven will not maintain | Oven bulb not in proper location. | Secure oven bulb in clips that hold it in proper location. | |
proper baking temperarture. |
| |
| Oven bulb coated with foreign mate- | Use fine steel wool or scouring pad to gently clean the |
| rial. (i.e. oven cleaner etc.) | surface of the bulb - NOTE: Replace carefully in locating |
| clips. |
| Oven bottom covered with aluminium | If foil blocks holes or slots in oven bottom, oven heat dis- |
| foil. | tribution will be affected - remove foil. |
| Utensils too large for oven reducing | Allow at least 1 1/2” to 2” (3.8cm to 5.0 cm) clearance for |
| free circulation of air. | air circulation between utensils and between utensils and |
| oven surface. |