0-9 numerical buttons:(page 31,
58) Selects numbered options in a
b/ B/ v/ V(left/right/up/down):
Selects an option in the menu.
v/ V (up/down): Scans up or
down through memorized chan-
A-B:(page 32) Repeat sequence.
ANGLE:(page 33) Selects a DVD
camera angle, if available.
AUDIO:(page 33) Selects an
audio language (DVD) or TV audio
channel (CD).
CHP ADD:(page 55) Inser ts a
chapter marker when
CLEAR:(page 33, 42) Removes a
track number on the Program List
or a mark on the Marker Search
DISC MENU/LIST:(page 33, 53)
Accesses menu on a DVD disc.
Switches between Title List-
Original and Title List-Playlist
DISPLAY:(page 28, 53) Accesses
On-Screen Display.
DUBBING:(page 64) Copies DVD
to HDD (or HDD to DVD).
DVD:(page 19) Select the
Recorder’s function mode to DVD.
-Acknowledges menu selection.
-Displays information while view-
ing a TV program.
HDD:(page 19) Select the
Recorder’s function mode to HDD.
HOME:(page 19) Accesses or
removes the HOME menu.
INPUT:(page 20, 51) Changes the
input to use for recording (Tuner,
AV1-4 or DV IN).
MANUAL SKIP:(page 34)
Pressing this button during play-
back will skip to a scene 15 sec-
onds forward.
MARKER:(page 33, 46) Marks
any point during playback.
Z(OPEN/CLOSE):(page 31, 34)
Opens and closes the disc tray.
Operate this button only after turn-
ing the recorder on.
X(PAUSE/STEP):(page 32, 37)
Pause playback or recording tem-
porarily, press again to exit pause
N(PLAY):(page 31) Starts play-
1/I POWER:(page 31) Switches
the recorder ON or OFF.
RANDOM:(page 32, 38) Plays
tracks in random order.
z(REC):(page 46, 47) Starts
recording.Press repeatedly to set
the recording time.
REC MODE:(page 47) Selects
the recording mode (XP, SP, LP or
REPEAT:(page 32, 38) Repeat
chapter, track, title, all.
RETURN (O) (page 20,31)
-Removes the menu.
-Display the menu of a video CD
with PBC.
m/ M(SCAN): (page 31,46)
Search backward or forward.
SEARCH:(page 33, 46) Displays
Marker Search menu.
SETUP:(page 19, 21) Accesses
or removes the Setup menu.
./ >(SKIP): (page 31,40)
Go to next chapter or track.
Returns to beginning of current
chapter or track or go to previous
chapter or track.
x(STOP):(page 31) Stops play-
back or recording.
SUBTITLE:(page 34) Selects a
subtitle language.
THUMBNAIL:(page 55) Selects a
thumbnail picture for the current
title and chapter for use in the
Original and Playlist menu.
TIMER REC:(page 48, 50)
Displays Timer Record menu.
TIMESHIFT:(page 46) Activates
pause live TV/playback (timeshift)
for a live TV program.
TITLE MENU:(page 31, 33)
Displays the disc’s Title menu, if
TV/DVD:(page 47) To view chan-
nels selected by the recorder tuner
or by the TV tuner.
TV Control Buttons (page 67)
-POWER:Turns the TV on or off.
-INPUT:Selects the TV’s source.
-PROG +/–:Selects TV’s channel.
-VOL +/–:Adjusts TV’s volume.
-MUTE:Temporarily turns TV
sound OFF, press again to
VIDEO Plus+ :(page 49) To dis-
play the program menu for VIDEO
Plus+ System programming.
ZOOM:(page 32) Enlarges DVD
video image.
Remote Control