Playing an Audio CD or MP3/WMAfile
The recorder can play audio CDs and MP3/WMA files
on HDD, Memory Card, CD-ROM, DVD±R/RW or
CD-R/RW discs.Before playing MP3/WMA files, read
“About MP3/WMA audio files”on page 38.
1. Press HOME.
The HOME menu appears.
2. Select a media that contains MP3/WMA or audio
title then press ENTER.
3. Select [MUSIC] option then press ENTER.
The Audio CD or Music menu appears on the TV
Audio CD Menu Music Menu
4. Use v/Vto select a track then press N(PLAY).
Playback starts.
During playback, the current track’s elapsed play-
ing time will appear on the front panel display and
menu.Playback will stop at the end of the disc.
Press DISPLAY to view ID3-Tag information for
the MP3 file.If ID3-Tag information is not pres-
ent, “Not Checked”will appear. If you select a
folder, the number of subfolders and number of
MP3/WMA files in the folder are displayed.Press
DISPLAY again to remove the information
If you want to move to the upper directory, use
the v/ Vto highlight and press ENTER.
•You can also display HOME menu to select
another media by pressing RETURN (O).
5. To stop playback at any time, press x(STOP).
You can create new folder.Select [New Album] option
on the Music-HDD or Music-Memory Card menu then
press ENTER.“NONAME##” folder is created.

Audio CD and Music menu options

1. Press v/ Vto select a folder/file on the Audio CD
or Music menu then press ENTER.
The menu options appear.
2. Press v/ V/ b/ Bto select an option, and press
[Play] Start playback the selected title.
[Open] Opens the folder and a list of files in the
folder appears
[Delete] Deletes the file(s) from the media.
[Rename] Edits the file name.(page 42)
[Move] Moves the file(s) to another folder or
media.(page 43)
[Copy] Copies the file(s) to another folder or
media.(page 43)
•[Program add] Adds the track(s) to Program List.
(page 20)


1. Press X(PAUSE/STEP) during playback.
2. To return to playback, press N(PLAY) or press
X(PAUSE/STEP) again.

Moving to Another Track

Press ./ >(SKIP) briefly during
playback to go to the next track or to return to the
beginning of the current track.
Press .(SKIP) twice briefly to step back to the
previous track.
On an Audio CD, to go directly to any track, enter
the track number using the numbered buttons (0-9)
during playback.