To protect the battery from mechani-
cal damage and to prevent the bat-
tery from falling or tipping over, the
battery must be:
l Installed in the correct size corro-
sion-resistant battery box.
l Properly secured in the boat.
l Secured in a location free from di-
rect sunlight and water spray.
l Secured away from the fuel tank
to avoid potential sparks near the
fuel tank.
1. Return the battery to the boat and
install it in the battery box.
2. Connect the positive (+) battery
cable first, then connect the nega-
tive (-) battery cable. Tighten the
cable nuts securely.
3. Coat the battery terminals and ca-
ble ends with marine anticor-
rosion grease.
4, Put the cover on the battery box and
secure the battery box to the boat.
Lubrication interval: After the first 20 hours, then every 100 hours.
(Refer to the maintenance schedule page 77.)
Apply marine anticorrosion grease to the following parts: