This lawn tractor is intended for use on relatively flat terrain. Operating on
slopes exceeding loo (17% grade) could cause the tractor to tip over.
Maximum safe operating angle
NOTE: If you feel that you cannot accurately judge the angle of a grade,
we suggest that you obtain an inclinometer. These slope gauges are
available at many hardware stores.
Mowing on Hills:
l Reduce speed and exercise extreme caution.
l Always drive up and down the face of the grade. Never turn around on
or drive across the face of the grade; this may cause the tractor to tip
l Empty grass bags when they are half full. The weight of full bags could
cause the tractor to tip over.
Stopping on Hills:
If possible, avoid stopping while driving uphill. If it is necessary to stop on
a hill, follow the procedures below:
1. Push the brake pedal to the floor; the shift lever will return to the
NEUTRAL position.
2. Move the PTO lever to the OFF (disengaged) position.
3. Set the parking brake.
Starting on Hills:
It is important to follow the uphill starting procedure carefully to avoid tip-
ping the lawn tractor over.
1. Release the parking brake.
2. Slowly move the shift lever to the desired speed range.
m Moving the shift lever too quickly while starting uphill may
cause the lawn tractor to tip over backwards. Always move the shift lever
slowly and gradually.