Oil consumption
1. Incorrect oil viscosity--------, Use specified viscosity oil. (see page
20) 2. Oil leaks +Check for oil leaks from drain bolt.
(see page 56)
3. Worn piston ring, etc.- See your authorized Honda lawn trac-
tor dealer.
4. Oil level too high GIon’t overfill
Excessive vibration;
1. Loose blade or engine- Aetighten blade bolts or engine moun-
mounting hardware. ting hardware.
2. Blade damaged or out of Replace blade.
3. Belt damaged WReplace belt.
4. Each pulley damaged or -See your authorized Honda lawn trac-
pulleys not aligned. tor dealer.
Battery will not charge;
1. Dead cell in battery. -Replace battery.
2. Loose electrical connec-- Check connections and wires.
tions or broken wire.
Parking brake warning buzzer does not operate
1. Blown fuse *Replace fuse.
2. Faulty buzzer *See your authorized Honda lawn trac-
tor dealer.
Steering is too heavy
1. Insufficient tire air
*Correct tire air pressure. (see page
Mower steers one side
I. Incorrect steering system -See your authorized Honda lawn trac-
alignments tor dealer.
2. Tire air pressure WCorrect tire air pressure. (see page
uneven. 30)
3. Loose fasteners of *See your authorized Honda lawn trac-
steering system tor dealer.