Battery Cleaning
If the battery terminals are contaminated or corroded, remove the battery
and clean the terminals.
1. Remove the battery set plate.
2. Disconnect the battery cable at the battery negative (-1 terminal, then
at the battery positive !+I terminal.
3. Remove the battery and clean the battery terminals and battery cable
terminals with a wire brush or sand paper.
Clean the battery with a solution of baking soda and warm water, tak-
ing care not to get the solution or water in the battery cells. Dry the bat-
tery thoroughly.
4. Connect the battery positive (+) cable to the battery positive (+I ter-
minal, then the battery negative (-1 cable to the battery negative (-1
terminal. Tighten the bolts and nuts securely.
5. Coat the battery terminals with grease.
6. Reinstall the battery set plate.
m When disconnecting the battery cable, be sure to disconnect at the
battery negative (-) terminal first. To connect, connect at the positive (+) terminal
first, then at the negative (4 terminal. Never disconnect the battery cable in the
reverse order, or it causes a short circuit when a tool contacts the terminals.