Video Reverse

Video Reverse is used to allow the scanner to read bar codes that are inverted. The Video Reverse Off bar code below is an example of this type of bar code. Scan Video Reverse Only to read only inverted bar codes. Scan Video Reverse and Standard Bar Codes to read both types of codes.

Note: After scanning Video Reverse Only, menu bar codes cannot be read. You must scan Video Reverse Off or Video Reverse and Standard Bar Codes in order to read menu bar codes.

Video Reverse Only

Video Reverse and Standard Bar



* Video Reverse Off

Working Orientation

Some bar codes are direction-sensitive. Use the working orientation settings if your direction-sensitive codes will not usually be presented upright to the scan- ner. Default = Upright.


Vertical, Top to Bottom:

(Rotate CW 90°)

Upside Down:

Vertical, Bottom to Top:

(Rotate CCW 90°)

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