F - File Format

This option indicates the type of file format in which to save the image.

0F KIM format

1F TIFF binary

2F TIFF binary group 4, compressed

3F TIFF grayscale

4F Uncompressed Binary

5F Uncompressed grayscale

6F JPEG image (default)

7F Outlined image

8F BMP format

H - Height of Signature Capture Area

The height of the signature capture area must be measured in inches divided by .01. In the example, the height of the area to be captured is 3/8 inch, resulting in a value of H = .375/0.01 = 37.5.

Example: IMGBOX245w37h55y.

K - Gamma Correction

Gamma measures the brightness of midtone values produced by the image. You can brighten or darken an image using gamma correction. A higher gamma correction yields an overall brighter image. The lower the setting, the darker the image. The optimal setting for text images is 50K.

0K Gamma correction off (default)

50K Apply gamma correction for brightening typical document image

nK Apply gamma correction factor n (n = 1-255)

Example of Gamma

Correction set to 0K:

Example of Gamma Correction set to 50K:

Example of Gamma Correction set to 255K:

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