Template Characters


represents any alphanumeric character (digit or letter)

crepresents a check character position

drepresents any digit

erepresents any available OCR character

grepresents character from user-defined variable “g”

hrepresents character from user-defined variable “h”

irepresents character from user-defined variable “g” or “h”

krepresents that a check character is verified but transmitted

lrepresents any uppercase letter


marks the start of a new template


multi row indicator

All other characters represent themselves. Spaces can be used.

Note: In MICR E13 B templates, TOAD characters (capital letters T, O, A, and D), represent Transit, On Us, Amount, and Dash.

Note: OCR templates default to eight digits, no check character.

To Add an OCR Template

1.Turn on the OCR font you want to read (page 9-1).

2.Begin building the template.

Scan the Enter OCR Template symbol (page 9-13).

3.Scan the characters for the string.

Use the Template Characters chart above to determine what characters you need to create your format. Use the OCR Programming Chart (after the Sample Codes in the back of this manual) to scan the characters for your template.

Example: You need to read any combination of eight digits. The template would be:


To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Enter OCR Template symbol (page 9-13), then scan the d from the OCR Programming Chart in the back of this manual eight times. Scan Save OCR Template (page 9-13). This would let you read any string of eight digits, for example:


9 - 4