
The RS-232 Interface bar code is used when connecting to the serial port of a PC or terminal. The following RS-232 Interface bar code also programs a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) suffix, baud rate, and data format as indi-

cated below. It also changes the trigger mode to manual.


Baud Rate

115200 bps

Data Format

8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit

RS-232 Interface

Wand Emulation Plug & Play

In Wand Emulation mode, the image scanner decodes the bar code then sends data in the same format as a scanner image scanner. The Code 39 Format converts all symbologies to Code 39.

The Same Code Format transmits U.P.C., EAN, Code 128 and Interleaved 2 of 5 without any changes, but converts all other symbologies to Code 39.

The Wand Emulation Plug & Play Code 39 Format bar code below sets the terminal ID to 61. The Wand Emulation Plug & Play Same Code Format bar code sets the terminal ID to 64. These Plug & Play bar codes also set the Transmission Rate to 25 inches per second, Output Polarity to black high, and Idle State to high. (If you want to change the terminal ID only, without changing any other image scanner settings, please refer to Programming the Interface - Terminal ID Method on page 2-6.)

Wand Emulation

Plug & Play

(Code 39 Format)

Wand Emulation

Plug & Play

Same Code

2 - 2