
To Add a Test Code I.D. Prefix to All Symbologies

This selection allows you to turn on transmission of a Code I.D. before the decoded symbology. (See the Symbology Chart, beginning on page A-1)for the single character code that identifies each symbology.) This action first clears all current prefixes, then programs a Code I.D. prefix for all symbologies. This is a temporary setting that will be removed when the unit is power cycled.

Add Code I.D. Prefix to

All Symbologies (Temporary)

Show Decoder Revision

Scan the bar code below to output the decoder revision.

Show Decoder Revision

Show Engine Revision

Scan the bar code below to output the engine revision. It will return the engine type, revision number, and status character [ACK]. For example, an image scanner with a 5100 engine, version 26 would return:

ENGREVType: 1 Revision: 26[ACK]

Show Engine Revision

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