Scan the Relink Time-Outbar code, then scan the number of seconds for the setting (from 1-100) from the inside back cover. Scan Save to save the setting. Default = 3 seconds.

Relink Time-Out

Bluetooth/ISM Network Activity ExamplesDefault values:

When the image scanner goes out of range, the image scanner repeatedly attempts to connect to base unit. Each attempt consists of approximately 5 seconds of active time followed by 3 seconds of idle time. After one hour, the image scanner powers off and batch mode data is lost.

Maximum Link Attempts set to 15Other values at default setting:

When the image scanner goes out of range, 15 attempts are made to link to the base unit. Each attempt consists of approximately 5 seconds of active time followed by 3 seconds of idle time. After 15 cycles (8*15 =120), or about 2 minutes, the image scanner stops trying to connect to the base unit, but retains any bar codes that may have been saved in batch mode. After one hour, the image scanner powers off and batch mode data is lost.

Auto Reconnect Mode set to 0

Maximum Link Attempts set to 15

Other values at default setting:

When the image scanner goes out of range, no action is taken to re-link. When the trigger is pulled, 15 attempts are made to link to the base unit. Each attempt consists of approximately 5 seconds of active time followed by 3 seconds of idle time. After 15 cycles (8*15 =120), or about 2 minutes, the image scanner stops trying to connect to the base unit, but retains any bar codes that may have been saved in batch mode. After one hour, the image scanner powers off and batch mode data is lost. Refer to Auto Reconnect Mode, page B-1,to review other events that can start the re-link process.

Auto Reconnect Mode set to 1

Maximum Link Attempts set to 0

Relink Time-Out set to 10Image Scanner Power Time-Out Timer set to 1800:

Note: See Image Scanner Power Time-Out Timer on page 4-4.

The image scanner attempts to connect to the base unit every 15 seconds, measured from start of attempt to start of attempt. After one half hour, the image scanner powers off.

B - 3