Example #4: What are the device’s settings for all Codabar selections?

Enter: cbr?.Response: CBRENA1[ACK],SSX0[ACK],CK20[ACK],CCT1[ACK],MIN2[ACK],MAX60[ACK],DFT[ACK].

This response indicates that the device’s Codabar Coding Enable (CBRENA) is set to 1, or on;

the Start/Stop Character (SSX) is set to 0, or Don’t Transmit; the Check Character (CK2) is set to 0, or Not Required; concatenation (CCT) is set to 1, or Enabled;

the Minimum Message Length (MIN) is set to 2 characters; the Maximum Message Length (MAX) is set to 60 characters; and the Default setting (DFT) has no value.

Trigger Commands

You can activate and deactivate the image scanner with serial trigger com- mands. First, the image scanner must be put in Manual/Serial Trigger Mode either by scanning the Manual/Serial Trigger Mode bar code (page 4-4), or by sending the Manual/Serial Menu Command (page 12-12). Once the image scanner is in serial trigger mode, the trigger is activated and deactivated by sending the following commands:

Activate: SYN T CR

Deactivate: SYN U CR

The image scanner scans until a bar code has been read, until the deactivate command is sent, or until the serial time-out has been reached (see "Read Time-Out (Serial Trigger Mode)" on page 4-4for a description, and the serial command on page 12-12).

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