HRTL-One Digital Video Recorder User Guide

About This Document

This document introduces the HRTL-One Digital Video Recorder and describes how to install the hard drive in the recorder, and then install the recorder and operate it.

The HRTL-One Digital Video Recorder is referred to as the HRTL-One throughout this document.

Overview of Contents

This document contains the following chapters and appendixes:

Chapter 1, Overview, introduces the HRTL-One and its features and functions.

Chapter 2, Installation, shows the front and rear panel connections. It also describes how to install the HRTL-One and connect it to peripheral equipment.

Chapter 3, System Setup, describes how to set the overall system level configuration.

Chapter 4, Operation, shows how the HRTL-One front panel operates and describes typical daily operating tasks.

Appendix A, Solutions, lists typical technical issues and describes how to solve them.

Appendix B, Compatible Hard Drives, lists compatible hard drive brands.

Appendix C, Specifications, lists the specifications for the HRTL-One.

Appendix D, Warranty, provides product warranty information.

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