







The LED on the wireless card is not visible to the user when the wireless card



is installed in a sealed mobile device.



Options are: On, Off.



This parameter cannot be changed.




Tray Icon


Determines if the Summit icon is displayed in the System tray.



Options are: On, Off




Hide Password


When On, the Summit Config Utility masks passwords (characters on the



screen are displayed as an *) as they are typed and when they are viewed.



When Off, password characters are not masked.



Options are: On, Off.




Admin Password


A string of up to 64 alphanumeric characters that must be entered when the Ad-


(or Blank)

min Login button is tapped. If Hide Password is On, the password is masked



when typed in the Admin Password Entry dialog box. The password is case sen-



sitive. This value is masked when the Admin is logged out.



Options are: none.




Auth Timeout

8 seconds

Specifies the number of seconds the Summit software waits for an EAP authen-



tication request to succeed or fail.



If the authentication credentials are stored in the active profile and the authen-



tication times out, the association fails. No error message or prompting for cor-



rected credentials is displayed.



If the authentication credentials are not stored in the active profile and the au-



thentication times out, the user is again prompted to enter the credentials.



Options are: An integer from 3 to 60.




Certs Path


A valid directory path, of up to 64 characters, where WPA Certificate Authority



and User Certificates are stored on the mobile device when not using the Win-



dows certificates store. Make sure the Windows folder path currently exists be-



fore assigning the path in this parameter. See Certificates for instructions on



obtaining CA and User Certificates. This value is masked when the Admin is



logged out.



Options are: none.



For example, when the valid certificate is stored as My Computer/System/MY-



CERTIFICATE.CER, enter System in the Certs Path text box as the Windows



folder path.




Ping Payload

32 bytes

Maximum amount of data to be transmitted on a ping.



Options are: 32 bytes, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 bytes.




Ping Timeout ms


The amount of time, in milliseconds, that a device will be continuously pinged.



The Stop Ping button can be tapped to end the ping process ahead of the ping






Options are: Any number between 0 and 30000 ms.




Ping Delay ms


The amount of time, in milliseconds, between each ping after a Start Ping button






Options are: Any number between 0 and 30000 ms.




Note: Tap the Commit button to save changes. If this panel is closed before tapping the Commit button, changes are not saved!

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