23 63-4368
Table 16. Reporting T7350H Errors.
T7350H errors are reported through the manufacturer defined output network variable, nvoError.
nvoError Field Description
errLoclSpaceSensr Local space temperature sensor not working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured to function and is out of range or disconnected.
errRemtSpaceSensr Remote space temperature sensor not working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured to function and is out of range or disconnected.
errNetSpaceSensr Network space temperature sensor not working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured by the thermostat to function but is not being updated by either the bound
network sensor or by the subbase (faulty subbase).
errLoclHumSensr Local Humidity sensor not working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured to function and is out of range or disconnected.
errRemtHumSensr Remote Humidity sensor not working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured to function and is out of range or disconnected.
errNetHumSensr Network Humidity sensor not working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured by the thermostat to function but is not being updated by either the bound
network sensor or by the subbase (faulty subbase).
errRemtOdSensr Remote Outdoor air sensor not working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured to function and is out of range or disconnected.
errNetOdSensr Network Outdoor air sensor n ot working.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured by the thermostat to function but is not being updated by either the bound
network sensor or by the subbase (faulty subbase).
errRemtSetPt Remote wall module set point is out of range or disconnected.
0: Value is OK. (power up value)
1: Remote wall module set point is configured to function and is out of range or disconnected.
errDischSensr Discharge sensor out of range or disconnected.
0: Sensor value is OK. (power up value)
1: Sensor is configured to function and is out of range or disconnected.
errIOConfig Output configuration error. Considers sub-base type, heat pump / conventional application.
maxCoolStgs, maxHeatStgs.
0: The outputs configuration is consistent with the sub-base type selected (power up value)
1: The number of outputs configured exceeds the capability of the sub-base to support them.
errSubBaseType Sub-base type error.
0: The sub-base is a valid sub-base type (power up value)
1: The detected sub-base type is not supported by the firmware version of the cover assembly.
errUnused1 Not currently used
errSelfTest Self test failure. Upon factory test power up, a self test of memory is performed. If external RAM,
EEPROM, or application FLASH memory fails the test, nvoError.errSelfTest is set. This bit is intended
for use in production testing. Field devices should ignore this bit.
0: Passed the test
1: Failed the test
errCoverCommFail Communications between the cover and sub-base
0: No error (power up value)
1: The communications between the thermostat cover assembly and the sub-base has failed in
one or both directions. The data from the cover to the sub-base has not been received for at least
90 seconds, or data from the sub-base is not updating the cover assembly.