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Table 21. T7350H Network Variable Summary. (Continued)
Nv Name LONSPEC™ Ref Name Class Description
nvoStatus Status OUT Status:
Alarm notify disabled:
0: Alarm notification is turned on (power up value).
1: Alarm notification via nvoAlarmH, nvoAlarmLog,
nvoUnitStatus, and nvoStatus has been turned off.
0: no alarm (power up value).
1: there is an alarm.
Override the delays associated with automatic control:
0: Delays turned on (power up value).
1: Delays turned off (Useful for troubleshooting).
Invalid ID:
0: The request was for a valid ID (Power up value).
1: The request was not for a valid ID.
Invalid Request:
0: The request was for a valid operation (Power up value).
1: Invalid request for an operation.
Manual control:
0: The function block is in automatic operation (power up
1: The function is in manual operation and outputs respond to
Status report. Function block number being in status report:
0: Node function block.
1: Space comfort controller function block.
Programming Mode:
0: Normal operating mode (power up value).
1: The node is in the “programming the cover flash memory”
mode, and is not automatically controlling temperature.
Report mask:
0: Normal operation (power up value).
1: RQ_REPORT_MASK received. The status bits that are set
have been implemented.
nvoTerminalLoad Terminal Load Out OUT Terminal load (percent): Reports the demand for supply energy.
Positive numbers are cooling demand and negative numbers are
heating demand. 100 percent is full capacity. Terminal loads
greater than 100 percent or less than -100 percent indicate that
the equipment is not able to supply the required heating or cooling
energy. The valid range is between 163 and minus 163 percent.
Terminal load is used by supervisory level control applications to
reset Boiler or Chiller discharge water temperatures.
163.84: Power up condition.
nvoTime Time Out OUT Current year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
The T7350H can be a time master to other T7350Hs, XL15As, and