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APPENDIX H - T7350H NETWORK VARIABLE SUMMARYTable 21. T7350H Network Variable Summary.
Nv Name LONSPEC™ Ref Name Class Description
nciApplVer Application version CONFIG Application type: identifies the cu rrent application number for this
device given by a tool.
0: (Default).
Increment: increased by one whenever any configuration
parameter changed by PDA or thermostat keyboard. LONSPEC™
and LONSTATION™ does not change this field.
0: (Default).
Time Stamp: indicates the last change to the device application
configuration. The time stamp meets the ANSI C time stamp
requirement specifying the number of seconds elapsed since
midnight (0:00:00), January 1, 1970. It is represented in the Intel
Format. If the T7350 keyboard or the PDA Config Tool updates
any configuration parameters, the time is incremented.
0: (Default).
Version Number: identifies the version number of the application
for this device. If the T7350 keyboard or the PDA Config Tool
updates any configuration parameters, is incremented.
0: (Default).
nciBypassTime Bypass Time CONFIG Temporary Occupied Override duration in minutes.
180: (Default).
nciConfig NA FTP
Thermostat configuration parameters.
nciConfigPts NA FTP
Thermostat operating setpoint values for the control algorithms
contained in the Thermostat application code.
nciDayLghtSav NA FTP
Daylight-saving start and end calendar schedule.
nciDaySchedule0 NA FTP
Event time schedule for Sunday.
nciDaySchedule1 NA FTP
Event time schedule for Monday.
nciDaySchedule2 NA FTP
Event time schedule for Tuesday.
nciDaySchedule3 NA FTP
Event time schedule for Wednesday.
nciDaySchedule4 NA FTP
Event time schedule for Thursday.
nciDaySchedule5 NA FTP
Event time schedule for Friday.
nciDaySchedule6 NA FTP
Event time schedule for Saturday.
nciDaySchedule7 NA FTP
Event time schedule for designated Holiday.
nciDeviceName Device Name CONFIG Device Name is an 18 character field used to identify the device
uniquely as one device at the site or project. The content of Device
Name is maintained by a management node. If Device Name is all
ASCII blanks, it is considered un-configured by Honeywell tools.
ASCII blanks: (Default)
nciHolSched NA FTP
Holiday calendar schedule.