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Table 21. T7350H Network Variable Summary. (Continued)
Nv Name LONSPEC™ Ref Name Class Description
nviOccSensor Occupancy Sensor In IN There are 3 distin ct modes of operation: local occupancy sensor,
network occupancy sensor, or none.
The network occupancy input is nviOccSensor. It is bound from
another sensor or controller with occupancy status.
Occupancy sensor input from a network device:
-1: OC_NUL not connected (mains power up and fail detect
Others: same as OC_NUL.
NOTE: If nviOccSensor is not invalid (OC_NUL), nviOccSensor
is used as the occupancy sensor even if another sensor
or no sensor is configured.
nviOutdoorTemp Outdoor Temperature In IN Outdoor temperature input from a network device. Ignored unless
nciConfig.oDAirSensor specifies a network configuration.
327.67: means to ignore comODTemp.
327.67: mains power up and failure detect value.
NOTE: If nviOutdoorTemp is not invalid (327.67), nviOutdoor-
Temp is used as the outdoor temperature even if another
sensor or no sensor is configured.
nviPgm Program In IN Memory address and data being sent to cover assembly flash
nviRequest Request IN Input variable for managing network requests for status.
nviSetpoint Setpoint In IN Desired space temperature (Celsius) set by remote network
327.67: means to ignore nviSetPoint.
327.67: mains power up value.
nviSpaceRH Space Humidity In IN Space humidity input (percent) from a network device. Ignored
unless nciConfig.humiditySensor specifies a network
163.83: mains power up and failure detect value.
NOTE: If nviSpaceRH is not invalid (163.83), nviSpaceRH is
used as the space relative humidity even if another sen-
sor or no sensor is configured.
nviSpaceTemp Space Temperature In IN When configured for a network sensor and periodically updated,
the network space temperature sensor will override both the local
and remote sensors.
Space temperature input (Celsius) from a network device. Values
less than -2.2 will be clipped to -2.2. Values greater than 60 will be
clipped to 60.
327.67: means to ignore nviSpaceTemp.
327.67: mains power up and failure detect value.
NOTE: If nviSpaceTemp is not invalid (327.67), nviSpaceTemp is
used as the space temperature even if another sensor or
no sensor is configured.
nviTimeSet Time In IN Set current month, day, year, hour, minute, second
Time synchronization will be to a network device that has been
designated as the “time master.” Time synchronization will occur at
the Guaranteed Periodic Update rate (typically every 55 seconds).