63-4368 4
Applicable Literature
The following list of documents contains general information
related to the T7350H Communicating Commercial
Table 3. Applicable Literature
ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONSApplication—A special use Building Control function.
Binding—The process of logically connecting network
variables in one node to network variable(s) in other node(s).
Binding is performed by a network management Tool (such as
LONSPEC™) that writes the binding information into the
EEPROM memory of all the neuron’s involved. The binding
information is saved in the network image of each neuron.
Building Manager—A LONMARK® certified device that can be
used to monitor and control HVAC equipment and other
miscellaneous loads in a distributed network.
Command Display—A device that can be used to monitor
data and change parameters of network connected devices.
CVAHU—Excel 10 Constant Volume Air Handler Unit
Excel 10s—A family of application - specific HVAC controllers
such as the Excel 10 CVAHU and Excel 10 VAV.
HVAC—Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning.
LCBS—Light Commercial Building Solution. These systems
are configured with the LONSPEC™ network tool and
monitored with a Workstation such as LonStation®. Many
LCBS networks include the W7760B & C plant managers.
Routers (including Q7751A) are not supported by the LCBS
network configuration LONSPEC™ tool.
LONSPEC™-ZL7760A—A network connected tool which
configures, commissions, calibrates and monitors the
Honeywell Light Commercial Building Solution Q7300,
T7350H, Excel 10 and Excel 15 family of controllers.
LONSTATION™—A low-cost, easy-to-use Light Commercial
Building Solution workstation that provides advanced building
control capabilities for small to medium-size buildings.
LONWORKS® Network—A data network based on neurons
communicating with each other using the LonTalk® protocol.
Mandatory Mechanisms/Objects/Network Variables—
Mandatory mechanisms and network variables that are
implemented in all the Excel 10 devices.
NamedObjects—These objects are visible on the network as
functional independent entities and are accessed by name.
Typical examples of NamedObjects are Controllers,
ControlLoops and LogicFunction blocks contained in devices
such as the XL5a or XL15b.
Network Management Node—A LONWORKS® node that is
responsible for configuring the network, installing the nodes,
binding the network variables between nodes, and general
network diagnostics.
Form No. Title
63-1299 T7350 Commercial Programmable
Thermostat Spec Data
62-0195 T7350 Commercial Programmable
Thermostat Installation Instructions
63-2605 T7350 Commercial Programmable
Thermostat Product Data
74-2976 Excel LONSPEC™ ZL7760A Specification
74-2937 Excel LONSPEC™ ZL7760A User’s Guide
74-3123 Light Commercial Building Solution System
Communication Guide
74-2697 T7770A, B, C, D, E, F, G Wall Module
Specification Data
95-7538 T7770A, B, C, D, E, F, G Wall Module
Installation Instructions
63-2617 T7771 Wall Module Product Data
74-2972 S7760A Command Display Specification
74-2858 Q7740A,B FTT Repeater Specification
95-7555 Q7740A,B FTT Repeater Installation
74-2954 Q7760A SLTA-10 Serial LonTalk® Adapter
Specification Data.
95-7511 Q7760A SLTA-10 Serial LonTalk® Adapter
Installation Instructions.
95-7554 209541B Termination Module Installation