If you had an especially challenging workout, you may want to save that one for the future.
1) At the end of your workout, the console will prompt you if you would like to save your completed workout by
scrolling save workout.
2) If you would like to save the workout, press the SAvE WORKOUT key. If not, either press the STOP key or stop
using the treadmill until the console resets itself.
3) The LED will flash next to the type of program you used. For example, if you used the INTERvALS program, the
SAvED INTERvALS LED will flash.
4) Press and hold the SAvE WORKOUT key for 5 seconds to save the workout for future use.
5) If you would like to save over a previous workout, press and hold the SAvE WORKOUT KEY for 5 seconds.
NOTE: When using a saved workout, changes to speed or incline will not be saved.