With the ETRAK fitness journal system, you can scroll through your accumulated data in multiple formats by pressing
the ETRAK buttons. A workout is saved when: the program ends, the console is paused and not resumed within 10
minutes, or the STOP button is held to reset the console.
1) PErSonAL BEST: allows user to scroll through and view 5 personal bests for all previous workouts. They are:
2) LAST 5 WorKoUTS: allows you to view data from your previous 5 workouts. The following data from these 5
workouts can be scrolled through and viewed by pressing the WorKoUT STATS key:
3) WorKoUT ToTALS: allows you to view the total accumulated workout data. Pressing the WorKoUT ToTAL
key will allow you to scroll through the following totals: