10)PACER: Trains you to run at a steady “race pace”. Enter in the distance plus the time limit, and the program calculates a steady pace.
1)Select CUSTOM 1 or 2 using ARROW KEYS. Press ENTER.
2)Select WEIGHT using ARROW KEY. Press ENTER.
3)Select TIME using ARROW KEYS. Press ENTER.
4)Select SPEED for segments 1 through 15 using ARROW KEYS. Press ENTER to set each segment.
5)Select INCLINE for segments 1 through 15 using ARROW KEYS. Press ENTER to set each segment.
6)Press START to begin exercising. At this time, your program has been successfully saved into memory, and can be used for future workouts.
A)To RESET your program information and delete it from memory, press and hold ENTER for 5 seconds (after you have selected the CUSTOM 1 or 2 program).
B)While using your saved program, you are able to adjust the speed or incline, but any changes will not be saved.