The Problem Solver (continued)
CUBE DISPENSER | . No ice cubes. Remove storage container. If cubes are frozen to wire arm, remove |
DOES N~ WORK | cubes. |
| ● No ice cubes. Icemaker turned off or water supply turned off. |
| . Irregular ice clumps in storage container. Breakup as many as you can with fingertip |
| pressure and discard the remaining clumps. |
WATER HAS POOR | . If water dispenser has not been used for an extended period, dispense water in regular |
TASTE/ODOR | manner until all water in reservoir is replenished with freshwater. |
| ● |
WATER IN FIRST | ● Allow about 24 hours for water to cool to proper temperature after refrigerator is |
GLASS IS WARM | first installed. |
| . If water dispenser has not been used for extended period, water in first glass will nOt |
| be as cool as in succeeding glasses. |
| ● If water reservoir has been drained, allow several hours for replenished supply to chill. |
WATER DISPENSER | ● Water supply line turned off or not connected. |
DOES NOT WORK | ● Supply line maybe clogged with sediment. |
| |
DIVIDER BETWEEN | ● Normal warmth is created by automatic energy saver system circulating warm liquid |
FRESH FOOD AND | around front edge of freezer compartment to help prevent condensation on outside of |
FREEZER COMPART- | refrigerator in hot, humid weather. |
MOISTURE FORMS | ● Not unusual during period of high humidity. |
MOISTURE | ● Too frequent and too long door openings. |
COLLE~ INSIDE | ● In humid weather air carries moisture into refrigerator when doors are opened. |
| |
WATER ON H~HEN | . The drain in the bottom of the freezer may be clogged. Remove any ice on the freezer |
FLOOR OR ON | bottom and clean the drain. Refer to page 18. |
B~~M OF | ● If you use a glass over 6 inches all, you maybe jaming cubes in the funnel chute. |
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They can fuse inside the chute and drop out later, leaving water or ice on the floor. |
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REFWGERATOR | Q Foods with strong odors should be tightly covered. |
HAS ODOR | ● Check for spoiled food. |
| |
| ● Interior needs cleaning. Refer to page 18. |
| ● Keep open box of baking soda in refrigerator; replace monthly. |
INTEWOR LIGHT | . No power at outlet. |
DOES N~ LIGHT | . Light bulb needs replacing. Seepage 19. |
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